
Tantra massages
+ Body work

Tantra massage in Mechelen

Unveiling the Essence of Tantra Massage

A Tantra Massage is an exquisite form of healing touch that transcends the physical realm, delving deep into the energetic and spiritual facets of one’s being. Rooted in ancient Tantra practices from India, it intertwines the body, mind, and soul.

In Tantra Massage, sensuality unfolds like a mesmerising symphony, where every touch, serves to unblock the body and awaken the dormant energies within. It’s a gentle invitation to embrace the sensations that ripple through your being, igniting a spark that connects the physical and the spiritual.

Energising the Centres: Through gentle caresses and specialised techniques, it awakens energy centres, known as chakras, fostering a balanced flow of vitality.

Deep Serenity and Awareness: Immerse yourself in profound relaxation and embrace the sensations and emotions that awaken within your being.

Connection and Intimacy: Tantra Massage invites a profound connection, not solely with the masseur/masseuse but also with your inner sensuality and energy.

Healing Embrace: It can aid in releasing tensions, alleviating stress, and nurturing an overwhelming sense of wellbeing.

Sensuality and life force 

In the sacred embrace of Tantra Massage, we delve softly into sensation and awaken the very essence of life force, the source of our creativity and sexuality. We use in this full-body massage all-natural oils to remove blockages to allow this nurturing energy to flow freely in the body.

Full body massage: We embrace bodies of all shapes, sizes and identities without judgement or discrimination. In the realm of Tantra, the physical yoni and lingam are seen as integral parts of the central energy meridian of the human body. It is crucial to understand that the inclusion of these sacred parts of the body in the massage is not aimed at sexual gratification.

Emotions welcome : Emotions are energy in motion and any emotions from deepest sorrow to highest ecstacy, that may arise during the massage, are welcome and allowed to be expressed in full.

A woman's back massaged


Sam, our massage therapist, is not only skilled in the art of Tantric touch but is also a nurturer of trust and comfort. Your boundaries and comfort levels are asked in advance and deeply respected throughout the session. He creates an environment where you feel empowered to express yourself, ensuring that your experience is one of safety, honour, and consent.

Would you prefer to receive a Tantra massage from a practicioner with a female body? Ann-Sofie from Handenwerk gives massages at the same practice. 

First time

When you come first time for a tantra massage, we will reserve 30 minutes extra to your appointment to have an intake talk with you, to answer any questions you might have about Tantra and Tantra massage, and to guide you through what you may experience and expect. This is included in the price of your first massage.

If you are hesitating, whether Tantra massage is something for you, please kindly request a free 15 minutes intake call with our therapist and body worker Sam.


Body work &

In Body work, we delve deeper into a specific area of the body to focus on a blockade of this area, as opposed to Tantra massage which treats the entire body without a specific focus. The blockade may be physical, psychological or energetic or a combination of the three. This is done from the understanding that our mind and our body are deeply connected and when the mind doesn’t feel well, this is always reflected in the body.


Mind and body work as one

As body work brings the mind and body together, body work might be especially useful, when you have undergone psychotherapy, and you have reached a state of knowing that something is true, but you find it difficult to start also feeling that truth in your body.

Made to measure
Our body work sessions are tailored for the needs of each customer and may contain any combination of techniques from transformative breathwork, classical massage, Tantra massage, de-armouring and inspirational or transformational coaching.

Removing blockades to free up energy for life
De-armouring is a specific form of body work that aims for locating blocked emotional body memories, generally called armour, and inviting the body to release any of this old baggage we carry with us that is no longer needed for us. We use only soft-touch de-armouring techniques that do not force the body to anything.

Specialization in use of ropes
A specialty at Studio ES is Shibari body work, where the Japanese rope techniques are used to support and cocoon the body and combined with other body work techniques. This simulates the feeling of full containment the body remembers from the mother’s womb.


Prices and bookings

The minimum booking for a tantra massage or body work is two hours.

We will allow you to first softly arrive to the space and ground yourself, before entering the therapy room. The session time starts always upon entering the therapy room.

We will invite you afterwards to have a cup of tea while returning slowly to a more active state.

On your first time with us, we will reserve half an hour extra for an intake discussion with you.

All this is included in the price. 

Massage studio mattress

2 hours Tantra Massage or Body work


Additional time

45€ / 30min

Or call or WhatsApp us

+32 499 35 31 60

Good to know

Allow yourself time to integrate

During tantra massage or body work, you will be transformed to another reality, where sensations and emotions flow freely. The return to the outside world afterwards may feel harsh.

When giving yourself the gift of tantra massage or body work, we encourage you to not make busy plans afterwards. Allow your body to fully integrate the experience in calmness without stress in the hours that follow your session.

Your health is our concern

We only use organic all-natural oils in our Tantra massages. All oils we use have anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.

We always have multiple oils at disposal, should you have allergy concerns.

In case your pores are sensitive for blocking or you are concerned of your clothes, we also have a private shower at your disposal after your massage. 

Come On In

Step into a haven where each touch is an ode to your essence, and experience the harmonious blend of spirituality and sensuality in Tantra Massage.