Terms and conditions


The services provided by Studio ES aim at improving the personal well-being of the customer and aid them in personal development around various themes in life.

The used terminology, such as “healing” and “therapy”, refer to the process where the customer is allowing an external person to help them to improve the quality of their life in different ways, and make absolutely no reference to licensed medical or psychiatrical practices.

None of the provided services constitute or substitute any kind of a medical treatment or licensed psychotherapy. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician about it.


Safety policy and liability waiver

The customer agrees to follow strictly the safety instructions whenever applicable. By booking any service, the customer declares to be in full physical and psychological health and to have read and understand these terms and conditions.

The customer acknowledges that many of the services involve deeply personal topics and that a large variety of emotional and physical reactions to addressing these topics may happen during of after receiving the services. Studio ES may at all times be contacted for receiving support after services within reason. Studio ES may not be held  liable to any damage caused to the customer’s property, physical injuries, changes to health or mental state during of after receiving a service.

Studio ES handles a strict no alcohol and no drugs policy during all services, including all public and private workshops. Any customer in a visible state of intoxication shall be denied access to the services they booked for safety reasons. This does not free the said customer from having to pay the booking fee.

Cancellation policy

Bookings cancelled by the customer less than 48 hours before the scheduled time are expected to be paid in full for the reserved number of participants.

Bookings cancelled by the customer less than 7 calendar days but more than 48 hours before the scheduled time may be moved to a later date without an additional cost without stating a reason. The same right applies to urgent medical reasons that can be demonstrated by legal means if asked.

In case of a total cancellation less than 7 calendar days before the scheduled time, the booking is to be paid in full.

Bookings cancelled by Studio ES due to force majeure shall be rescheduled at the earliest available time acceptable for the customer.


The following terms and conditions apply to all workshops organised by Studio ES. By participating in the workshop, each participant declares to have read and understood these terms and conditions. Each participant shall be in good physical and mental health and at least 18 years old at the time of participating in the workshop. Minor participants and participants under custody shall not be accepted. Participating in a reduced health condition happens at own risk.

Safety and health

The workshops introduce only tools that are safe to use for an inexperienced adult after having received a proper safety briefing. Studio ES may not be held responsible for any personal injury or damaged property resulting from neglecting the explained safety instructions.

Participants to the Tantric BDSI workshops acknowledge that active participation in the practical excercises may cause non-permanent markings and/or bruising of the skin depending on their individual skin type. This may also happen when using the tools according to the safety instructions.

Advisory of sexual content

All participants in the tantra and tantric BDSI workshops acknowledge the sexual nature of the subjects treated in the workshops. By participating in the workshop the participant agrees that discussing sexual topics, witnessing acts that may be interpreted as sexual or witnessing nudity does not offend their personal sensitivities or boundaries.

All participants acknowledge that engaging in sexual penetration in any form is not allowed during the workshops. Active participation in the demonstrations and/or interactive exercises is optional and based on individual and explicit consent of the participant, including being asked for personal boundaries.

Web site disclaimer

All materials on this site are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws and are the property of Studio ES. The copyright of third parties is respected by appropriate referencing. All rights to the material on the site are reserved.

The information on this site is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute professional advice. Visitors who use this website and rely on any information do so at their own risk. Studio ESexpressly declines liability for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction taken based on the information, services or other material on this site.

Studio ES is not responsible for the contents, operationability, or reliability of any other websites to which we provide a link and do not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. We can not track the changes to the content of linked sites.

This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.